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Rize Up Ball

On August 5th, the Flourish Community Solutions team proudly attended the RizeUp 2023 inaugural Gala Ball, themed “From Danger to Safety.” This elegant event was more than just a night of glamour; it was a powerful gathering dedicated to raising funds and awareness for domestic and family violence (DFV) prevention.

Held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Gala Ball brought together community leaders, advocates, and supporters to champion the vital cause of ensuring safety and support for those affected by DFV. The evening was filled with inspiring speeches, moving performances, and a heartfelt commitment to creating a future free from violence.

Flourish Community Solutions was honored to be part of this impactful event, standing in solidarity with RizeUp and the many individuals and organisations working tirelessly to protect and uplift those in need. Our participation underscores our dedication to fostering safe and supportive communities, aligning with our mission to support and empower individuals and families.

Together, we are making a difference, turning the vision of “From Danger to Safety” into a reality. Thank you to RizeUp for hosting such a meaningful event and to everyone who contributed to its success. Let’s continue to work together to end DFV and create a safer, brighter future for all.

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