
Family Intervention & Preservation

  • Preventative Intervention for Families in Crisis

  • Family Restoration & Healthy Attachments

  • Family Reunification & Transition Planning

  • Foster & Kinship Placement support

  • Positive Behaviour Support

  • Family Resolution Support and Services

The Nurtured Seeds program drives the theory, that all parents are able to make the positive change, that their interaction and engagement is crucial to the well-being of their child and without their investment, change is not possible.

This approach is strengths-based and encourages self-help, empowerment, and investment in the process. The program seeks to teach and mentor rather than support and hold.

A focus is placed on the key strategies for change to occur, embracing the concept of self- awareness and empowerment in developing the skills for calmer and mindful parenting. Parents are mentored, upskilled and educated around what can be achieved by them as a parent in order to keep their child safe or provide a safer environment.

Intervention and Preservation is adaptable to the need of the family in supporting reunification, placement stabilisation, transition planning and implementation as well as Foster and Kinship support.

Outreach & Clincial Services

Outreach Services:

Individualised transitional support – Transition to Adulthood

Supporting Young People in Transient Accommodation

Families in Crisis Accommodation

Youth Justice Case Consulting & mentoring

Therapeutic Support

Clinical Services:

Therapy, Holistic Therapies, Counselling

– Play Therapy

– Attachment Therapy

Doula Services

Clinical Assessments

Sensory Processing & Complex Behaviour Guidance

For more information on Therapy services follow the below link

Specialty Services

Discover a new standard of care at Flourish Community Solutions, where we’ve meticulously curated a team of highly skilled professionals from diverse backgrounds.

Our practitioners bring expertise in family and child protection, psychology, social work, education, lifestyle coaching, youth mentoring, and mental health services, creating a rich tapestry of knowledge within our organisation.

This intentional diversity forms the cornerstone of our multidisciplinary approach, ensuring a comprehensive range of services that cater to the intricate needs of the individuals and families we serve.

Below is a non exhaustive list of the models and approaches adopted by Flourish in our practice:
  • Safe & Together Model, our DFV Specialists ensure a safe space for those navigating difficult situations. Providing guided intervention, supported education & understanding, strategies and actions. The Shark Cage model is also adopted and utilised. 
  • Multi-Modal Attachment Therapy (M-MAT) is a structured attachment-based therapy with the primary focus on healing attachment injuries* through adult/child interactions, integrating both play and talk therapies.
  • Therapeutic Crisis Intervention – For Professionals, Parents and Carers
  • Circles of Security – Full Accredited Program for Parents, carers and professionals
  • Trauma & Attachment Specialists
  • Family Led Decision Making Model for working with our First Nations families
  • Specialists working with Sexual Trauma and supporting reactive or harmful behaviours.

Professional Coaching & Parenting Workshops

Flourish Community Solutions are committed to up-skilling and developing professionals; individuals; and communities. Our commitment to social responsibility is to empower communities and up-skill parents to be the key agents of change in their children’s lives.

Our team includes industry professionals, trainers, and parenting experts, offering workshops and skill development opportunities to professionals, parents, carers and young people.

We offer a range of development workshops for families and kids to participate in together, including mindfulness workshops and kids yoga therapy. Our parental workshops focus on evidence based parenting approaches, providing parents and carers with the skills to apply and adapt these to their everyday parenting style. These workshops are delivered by qualified practitioners in schools and community based settings.

Working alongside our industry partners to bring you quality services.
Contact us to find out more.

Assessment Services

Flourish has a team of highly skilled professionals, competent in delivering a variety of assessments in children and family services. Our assessments are client focused and have been integrated into many areas of our preservation work in the Nurtured Seeds program to identify barriers to change that may not be overtly present. This allows us to adapt our service to address individual needs contributing to the factors influencing the current situation.

Our available assessments include:

  • Foster and Kinship Care Assessments
  • Functional Assessments
  • Parental Capacity & Presenting Risks
  • Sibling Placements – Together Apart Assessment 
  • Mental Health assessments
  • Drug & Alcohol screening tools

Please contact our team to enquire about further assessments available.